Last week we took a four day vacation to Niagara Falls. We had a great time and packed alot of activities into those four days. I'll highlight our trip in four blog posts, one for each day of the trip.
Day 1 - Thursday, September 15th
We left for Niagara Falls on Wednesday after work and made it to the Falls on Thursday afternoon. Our first stop was on Goat Island. We walked out to the Three Sisters Islands to check out the Niagara River that was rushing over the Falls. While we were at this little landing there were two college girls that had climbed out to that second log to take some pictures, a little daring considering the water is rushing by and they could easily fall in. They were trying to take a self picture but it wasn't working out so well so I got their camera and took a picture of them. As the girl climbed off the tree limb to get the camera from me she turned around to go back out there and fell in the water. It was hilarious (I love when people fall) luckily she fell between those two tree limbs and not on the other side because I was not going in after her. She was soaking wet and Carl and I were trying not to laugh out loud so we had to leave the area. It was a funny start to the day.

We hopped back in the car and made our way out to Terrapin Point to view the Horseshoe Falls. The mist of the falls can be seen a long ways away.
Here are some more pictures from Terrapin Point. We took that boat into the falls too, I'll get to that in another blog post though.
Then we made our way to the other side of the island to check out the American Falls.

The falls were really awesome from the American side but I really wanted to go the Canadian side to see them too but I don't have a passport. Carl has a passport but since we didn't plan very far in advance I didn't get a passport. After a little convincing Carl to try to go to Canada with just my drivers licence he finally gave in and pulled up to the border crossing agent. I told him the worst thing that would happen is that we would get turned around, no big deal. Well, I was able to convince the Canadian border crossing agent to let me go to Canada even though I just have a drivers licence and no passport. He was a little unsure of letting me in but finally gave in and told me when I go back to the US I may have to go to Immigration since I don't have a passport, oh well, I'll figure that out when I get there I suppose. So on we went to Canada, woohoo! Here is the Rainbow Bridge from the US to Canada.

We walked along the path of the river and the view of the falls were even more awesome in Canada. This is the Canadian view of the falls.
Next we rode to the top of the Skylon Tower. We hopped in the little yellow glass enclosed elevators for a 52 second trip up 775 feet on the outside of the tower up to the observation deck. Carl was a little worried that I was going to freak out or something (and I didn't take any Dramamine) in the elevator going up but I handled it like a champ.
Here is the view from atop the Skylon Tower.
After our trip up the Skylon Tower we had dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe. We always get shirts from the Hard Rock Cafe whenever we are vacation so it was great to add a new shirt to our collection. Then we headed back towards the Rainbow Bridge, hoping that I would be able to easily get back in the United States and not have to go to Immigration. Well, we pulled up to the Homeland Security Border Agent and Carl hands the guy his passport and my drivers license. He looks at me and says "This is all you have?" and I said "Yes, it is." He said that only a drivers license might work for the Canadians but not us. So then he proceed to ask him a bunch of questions and wanted to see more ID from me. Well all I had was my work ID and my credit cards, so I handed them over to him. After some more questions and him telling me that this would not work again, he let me go back to the United States.
I'll be back tomorrow with highlights from our second day of vacation to Niagara Falls.