Friday, September 9, 2011

Garden Update

The garden is still churning out vegetables like there is no tomorrow. Most people say that we have good dirt here on the ranch, which we probably do, but really it's the gardeners who made this such a great garden. The tomato and pepper plants have went crazy the last few weeks and are starting to take over the garden right now.

This isn't a very clear picture but you can kind of see that the tomato plant on the end has worked himself over to the fence on the edge of the garden is beginning to push it out and made its way past the broccoli and over to the peppers.

Here is the jalapeno pepper plant; however, we refer to it as being more like a bush or small tree. That thing is huge and it has a ton of peppers on it.

Here are the jalapenos that I hauled in on Wednesday and there are probably twice this many on the plant that will need picked in the next few days.

And then my prized pumpkins. These babies really took off this year and I couldn't be more excited. Next year, I'm going to plant alot more!


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